The UNE Safe App currently only supports Android and iOS devices, if you would like to see your device supported in the future, please contact whs@une.edu.au noting your device.

If your device is an iPhone or Android device, please follow the relevant link below to download the UNE Safe App:

1. Download UNESafe App from the App Store or Google Play Store (links above)

2. When you first open the app, it will ask ‘UNE Safe would like to send you notifications’ – select ‘Allow’. This will allow you to receive any notifications pushed through this app (e.g. campus closures, etc.)

3. If you already have the app, follow steps below to check your notification settings.

iPhone Steps: Settings > Notifications > UNESafe App > make sure the ‘Allow Notifications’ is on (green button) > make sure alerts are applied to lock screen, notification centre and banners.

Android steps: Settings > Notifications > find and select UNESafe App > make sure ‘Show notifications’ is on (blue button) and ‘App icon badges’ is also turned on.

4. Also make sure that the notifications are turned within the UNESafe App. Go into the app > go to notification history/preferences > scroll down to notification settings > make sure it says ‘Notifications: Enabled’