Sharing Session with the Comparative International Education Research Network

A School of Education seminar presented on August 19th, 2015 by Keita Takayama

No doubt that research ‘outputs’ are important in today's university environment. What underpins this output-driven research management scheme is the presumption of rationality in the process of knowledge production. That is, one sets up a set of ‘projected outcomes’ at the onset which are then to dictate the whole process of knowledge production thereafter. It imposes an illusion of linearity and predictability on the way we relate to each other in producing knowledge. We find this rationalistic approach to knowledge production problematic. Instead we recognize the inherent messiness and surprises (both pleasant and unpleasant) in the process of collective knowledge work. In our work, hence, research outputs are not something be unproblematically projected in advance before relations are formed and a degree of trust and collegiality is nurtured. And we recognize both tangible and not-so-tangible (hence not so quantifiable) ramifications of our collective work as part of our research ‘outputs.’ But of course talking about all these wonderful things is easier than actually putting them into practice. This session tells you a little bit about the processes of collective knowledge production work we have undertaken over the last year and half as well as sharing some joys and bumps that we have encountered along the way.



PowerPoint quick view