“Pathways Review”: Extensive review of successful practice and re-design of UNE alternative admission pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

The project aims to review UNE’s alternative admission schemes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants and make recommendations to improve the pathways and support available to students, pre- and post – admission. Improvements to UNE’s alternative admission schemes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants will have a positive impact on access and retention rates. The project’s aims directly relate to the Vice-Chancellor’s strategic priorities for the period 2016-2018, VC#1 which identifies increasing Indigenous enrolment, retention and graduation rates at UNE as a priority.

The key objectives of this project are:

  1. Establish best practice admission processes and pre-admission support for new and commencing Indigenous students;
  2. Increase the number of on-campus Indigenous students
  3. Better prepare Indigenous students who are applying through alternative entry methods for study in specific disciplines.
  4. Reduce the attrition rates amongst Aborigianl and Torres Strait Islander students.

Key Contact

Guido Posthausen
Academic Coordinator
Oorala Aboriginal Centre

University of New England

Phone 02 67733439
Facsimile 02 67733379
Email gpostha2@une.edu.au