Kathy Wooller

Kathy WoollerKathy Wooller


  • Bachelor of Training & Development

My degree story could be best described is that I pivoted … like a prima ballerina with only one shoe and a wonky tiara.

My evolving formal learning story to complete a Bachelors degree has taken me two decades. It has included three qualifications, two babies, five career transitions, 10 house moves and a unplanned degree and provider change to get to this point to now be a graduate of a Bachelor of Training & Development.

What stood out to me, when I was considering completing this degree, was the hybrid and adaptable intersection between training, learning and organisational development. This aligned to my career purpose to evolve people, my career progression and business to progress people towards the future of learning and working.

It’s been a journey that has been interwoven in my life so far and one that I am proud to have now achieved!  Four trimesters in two years, eight units of study, 2000+ study hours, completed 1 exam (virtually), written 55,000+ words across essays, reports, projects, forum posts, quizzes, online undergrad student during a global pandemic combined with personal and professional challenges.Had a positive learning experience! Phew!

Sometimes I wondered if I would end up pivoting without shoes and these were the times when the people around me said “that’s okay kick off your shoes and put your feet in the grass”.

My support crew was absolutely essential! Mine included my hubbie, my kids, family, friends, clients, fellow students, and UC’s who all played a unique role in supporting me to become a graduate. Such a diverse crew of people who contributed with pep talks, Q&A’s, advice and sharing knowledge and wisdom to remind me why I started and that I would finish it.

I tackled my degree as I do with most things through planning, asking for the help I needed, seeking advice, discovering all the options, making a decision, reflecting on the lessons learnt, taking a break, and being open to learning. I succeeded.

I did this degree for me with the bonus of positively impacting and evolving people. I am glad I waited to do a degree that was right for me. I persevered.

I did this degree during a time of great challenges both personally and professionally in my life. I overcame. I am thankful for a positive online learning experience.

As I close a chapter of my learning story I know that it has helped me to become who I was made to be and prepared me for the next unwritten chapter of my learning story. What a gift learning is in life.