Emeritus Professor Bob Officer AM

Emeritus Professor Robert Officer AM served as Professor of Finance at Melbourne Business School (University Bob Officer AMof Melbourne) from 1986 to 2002).  He has a degree in Agricultural Science and after completing a Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics at UNE, he was awarded an overseas scholarship to the University of Chicago where he completed an MBA and PhD.  He returned to Australia in 1971, initially to the University of Queensland, and then he held Chairs at Monash and Melbourne University, respectively. He has also been a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Stanford, Wharton and Rochester. He is a Member of the Order of Australia (AM).

  1. What was your UNE qualification?

    M. Ag. Econ.

  2. Online or on-campus study?

    On Campus study – Resident Fellow of Page College.

  3. How did you find UNE lecturers?

    Outstanding, a number with PhD’s from top USA universities.

  4. What was your reason for studying at UNE?

    I had a degree in agricultural science from the University Of Melbourne and I wished to study agricultural economics in which UNE had a great reputation.

  5. Your current job?

    I am an Emeritus Professor of the University of Melbourne and am on a  number of different company Boards covering funds management, agricultural management and fringe banking.

  6. How has your UNE qualification aided you in your career?

    Fundamentally it got me to the University of Chicago and a PhD in financial economics which has mostly dictated my subsequent career.

  7. What inspires you inside work and outside work?

    I believe it is important for academics to apply their work outside of universities. I have done this while maintaining academic positions by advising government and the private sector in my fields of interest.

  8. Do you volunteer your time for a community project or organisation?

    I have been on the boards of a number of philanthropic entities and university entities including the UNE Foundation.