Exchange agreement procedures

Procedures for New and Renewal of Existing Exchange Partner Agreements (Students)

UNE International is responsible for the management of new and existing Exchange Partner Agreements (Students).

To establish a new Exchange Partnership Agreement (Students), UNE staff must follow the steps below. Agreement proposals not in this format will not be accepted.

New Exchange Partnership Agreement (Students)

  1. Exchange Proposer completes Instructions Template for New Exchange Partnership Agreement (Students) Form and submits Instructions Template to UNE International Study Abroad and Exchange Officer and the proposal will then be tabled at the Exchange Committee for approval.
  2. Exchange Committee Chair (EXC Chair) will send Instructions Template to the Legal Office and note action in report to the International Committee (IC). A progress email will be sent to the Exchange Proposer.
  3. Legal Office forwards draft Agreement to UNE International and UNE International then sends it to the proposed Exchange Partner for changes/approval.
  4. If there are no changes or minor changes only are proposed by the Exchange Partner to the draft Agreement UNE International  will then instruct the Legal Office to prepare the formal Agreement.
  5. If the Exchange Partner proposes major non-standard changes to the draft Agreement, UNE International will submit the proposed changes with reasons to the EXC Chair who will take executive action in consultation with PVC. The EXC Chair signs off on the Instructions Template and forwards the approved Instructions Template to the Legal Office with a copy to UNE International and a progress email to the Exchange Proposer. The EXC Chair notes action at EXC and IC Committees.
  6. The Legal Office prepares the formal Agreement and forwards it to the Exchange Partner for signature.
  7. When the signed Agreement is returned by the Exchange Partner the Legal Office processes the Agreement for the appropriate signatures.

Renewal of Student Exchange Agreement

The same process is to be followed for Renewal of Agreements using the Instructions Template for Renewal of Exchange Partner (Students) Agreement.UNE International is responsible for ensuring the Renewals process is commenced 18 months before the current Agreement expires and in consultation with the relevant Faculty/School that initiated the Agreement.

Note: Commitments to partners and prospective students must not be made until all necessary approvals have been granted and the Vice-Chancellor has signed the Agreement.