Australian Protected Cropping Structures

The University of New England’s Applied Agricultural Remote Sensing Centre (AARSC), Protected Cropping Australia (PCA), Greater Sydney Local Land Services (LLS) and Future Food Systems CRC (FFSCRC) have joined forces in a Horticulture Innovation co-funded project to develop a national map of protected cropping structures (PCS) including all commercial glasshouses, polyhouses, polytunnels, shadehouses and permanent nets (> 0.2 ha).

Mapping protected cropping structures nationally will provide the industry with a central repository of geospatial data defining the spatial extent (location and area) of structures across Australia. This essential baseline data will support future decision making around annual growth, forward selling, labour, transport and storage requirements as well as serve as an essential tool for improved biosecurity preparedness and natural disaster response. The mapping outcomes meet national standards, will respect privacy requirements by not including any specific grower or production information.

Stakeholders and growers are encouraged to contribute by viewing the mapping and adding their feedback. This engagement is extremely valuable and is essential for mapping new systems (which are not visible in satellite imagery due to the currency (date) of image acquisition).

This project is being funded by Hort Innovation through the Hort Frontiers Advanced Production Systems Fund with co-investment from Future Food Systems CRC, Protected Cropping Australia LTD and Greater Sydney and North Coast Local Land Services and matched funding from the Commonwealth Government. AARSC is fortunate for the support of the project partners in this initiative.