Meet the AARSC team

Higher Degree Research Students

Current PhD students include:

  • Ephraim Achin: Multi-Scale sensor systems - soil moisture, remote sensing, infra-red for water stress monitoring and yield detection in Australian tree crops
  • Sunil Kumar Jha: Real-Time Remote Sensing Based Monitoring for the Rice Industry
  • Angus Dingley:  Environmental conditions in polytunnels and their potential impact upon crop pollen viability and germination success
  • Benjamin TorgborIntegrating Remote Sensing and meteorological variables for yield forecasting of horticultural tree crops
  • Mary Garrard: Detecting flux of seabird populations and subsequent vegetation change post invasive mammal eradication

Past PhD students include:

  • Layom Sadeeka Jayasinghe: Remote sensing and climate ​modelling to assess tea-growing areas in Sri Lanka
  • Kamrul Hasan: Climatic Impacts on productivity, management and system dynamics of coastal agriculture in Bangladesh
  • Ngawang Chhogyel: Climate change and its Impacts on Agriculture in Bhutan
  • Surantha Salgadoe: Pre-symptomatic detection of Phytophthora root rot in Avocado for automated surveillance. UNE, University of Queensland (QLD Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation)
  • Liam Kendall: The Provision of Crop Pollination Ecosystem Services by Wild Insects
  • Sabrina Dan Wu: Integrating LiDAR and Multispectral data for Monitoring Mangos, Avocados and Macadamias. UNE and University of Queensland
  • Bryony Willcox: Investigating the relationship between the spatial variability of individual tree vigour across an orchard block, as identified by very high resolution satellite imagery, to pollination efficacy and diversity of pollinator species. UNE, Plant and Food Research Australia
  • Aaron Aeberli: Remote sensing applications for banana crops. UNE and University of Queensland
  • Yu-Hsuan Tu: Optimal Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Imaging and Processing for Horticultural Applications. UNE and University of Queensland

Past Masters and Honors students include:

  • Jaya Bijesh (Master of Data Science) Effect of Field Management Strategies on Rice Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
  • Matt Clearwater (Honors) Can remote sensing assess citrus tree variability in netted crops?
  • Ibidamola Olley (Statistics Masters mini-project) Can rice growth stage be predicted from time-series satellite observations?
  • Diana Rose Cabang (Statistics Masters mini-project) Rice nitrogen status prediction using remote sensing
  • Ayzeleigh Kindipan Buyagawan (Statistics Masters mini-project) Mango yield model from remote sensing data