Reciprocal Approvals

If you have received ethics approval from an NHMRC registered Human Research Ethics Committee other than the University of New England HREC (including for the Joint Medical Program) you may not be required to submit a new application to the UNE HREC. You may instead be eligible to undertake the reciprocal approval process. To be eligible for a reciprocal approval, a UNE staff member or student must be named on the approved ethics application and where appropriate UNE should be listed as a research site.

If you are eligible for a reciprocal approval please complete this form and submit it to for review. Your request will be considered by the Chair of the UNE HREC or delegate and if it is found to be compliant with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research, 2007 (updated 2018) and with University of New England policies and procedures, you will be issued with reciprocal approval and granted a University of New England approval number.

Please ensure you read the form carefully and submit all the required supporting documents with your application.

If seeking approval from an overseas institution, please contact us for further information.