The TTA program is funded by the Australian Federal Government. A condition of that funding is that Oorala provide regular reporting on the management and performance of the program, therefore Oorala relies on the prompt and accurate administration by tutors and students alike.

Failure to comply with your administrative duties may lead to a termination of a TTA contract.

A tutor’s administrative responsibilities include:

  • Tutors must not commence tutoring prior to an official offer being made to them by Oorala via the TTA online portal. Any tutoring prior to this will not receive payment.
  • Tutors must draft and submit tutoring work plans. A work plan must be completed during the first tutoring session for each student and each unit during a teaching period.
  • Tutors must submit a record of tutorial session via the TTA online portal within 24 hours of the session being conducted.
  • Tutors must provide a written record via the TTA online portal outlining what the tutoring session(s) covered.
  • Tutors must submit a payroll timesheet every two weeks via web kiosk.
  • Tutors must submit an End of Trimester Evaluation via the TTA online portal.
  • Tutors must claim a minimum of 2 hours per engagement as per the UNE Academic and English Language Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement

A student’s administrative responsibilities include:

  • Students must apply for TTA support each trimester via TTA online portal.
  • Students must review and approve/decline tutor match via TTA online portal.
  • Students must review and approve/decline work plan via the TTA online portal.
  • Students must review and approve/decline records of tutorial session via TTA online portal.
  • Students must contact the TTA Program Coordinator to inform of an incorrect session record. Notification of an incorrect session record must be conveyed to the TTA Program Coordinator within 3 days of the session being recorded.
  • Failure to do so within 3 days of the session being conducted will prohibit your tutor(s) payroll timesheet(s) being approved. Consequently tutorial sessions may be suspended until actioned.
  • Students must submit an End of Trimester Evaluation via TTA online portal.