1. Enrolments (Access)

TRACKS Tertiary Preparation Program

The TRACKS program prepares Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students for undergraduate study. Students can access support and guidance as they investigate tertiary education and decide on their future.

In 2022, enrolment numbers for TRACKS remained steady, with 81 students enrolled. Of these, 53 were continuing students, and 28 were commencing students. Fifteen students completed the TRACKS course in 2022, and most are now successfully transitioning into undergraduate studies.

Internal Selection Program (ISP)

ISP is designed to provide access to University study for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with professional work or community experience and any formal qualifications from TAFE or other training providers. The number of people who access university via this program is small compared to the other entry pathways available. However, the program remains key to our pathway options for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Miroma Bunbilla Program

This program is designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as a pre-entry pathway to the Joint Medical Program offered by the University of New England (UNE) and the University of Newcastle (UoN). Each year, up to 17 places are set aside for admission. In 2022, the program was held on campus in Armidale and Newcastle. UNE successfully recruited three students via this pathway.

Student Recruitment/Careers Market

The UNE Student Recruitment team and the Oorala Aboriginal Centre collaborate to identify opportunities to support and improve access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, targeting regional and remote communities. In 2022, UNE received increased interest from regional communities requesting UNE’s presence and participation in events in their area. Our participation has strengthened ties in key regional communities, including Moree, Forbes, Tamworth, Lismore, Coffs Harbour, Taree, Walgett, Coonabarabran and Rutherford.

Schools & Community Engagement Coordinator

In 2022, the Oorala Aboriginal Centre recruited a person for this project role. This role is partially (50%) funded by ISSP, with the other 50% funded by other sources. The coordinator works with schools and Indigenous community organisations.

Community Engagement Activities

UNE remained active in regional communities in the Armidale, Tamworth, Taree & Moree areas as regular sites for engaging the community with information and activities relating to university access and participation. Events were often linked to community and educational interests and cultural celebrations, providing an opportunity to engage with a diverse group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.