Nathan Holahan - success is no accident

Published 21 August 2023

“It’s never too late to invest in yourself.”

UNE Law graduate, recently admitted lawyer and Company Secretary of Murray Irrigation, Nathan Holahan is someone who understands the value of determination and self-worth.

Departing Sydney at the tender age of 18 to pursue a career in journalism at the Riverina town of Deniliquin, Nathan has never looked back.

"I told my parents I’d be back in three years. It has now been 18 years and I’m married with two kids.

I told my parents I’d be back in three years. It has now been 18 years and I’m married with two kids.

“I took on a cadetship in 2006 with the Deniliquin Pastoral Times newspaper and studied journalism by correspondence. I moved around the McPherson Media Group as a journalist for about six years, and then in 2012, I jumped ship to Murray Irrigation Limited in a communications role. I’ve been with Murray Irrigation now for 11 years, transitioning through various roles throughout the business - currently the Company Secretary and General Manager Corporate Services,” says Nathan.

Over the years, Nathan’s efforts have been recognised with multiple awards, including McPherson Media Group Cadet of the Year in 2007, Deniliquin Council Australia Day Young Citizen of the Year in 2008, and Rotary Club of Deniliquin Pride of Workmanship Young Professional of the Year in 2009.

Man sitting at desk with red table clith signs official documents

Nathan being admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW.

In 2018, he applied his work-ethic to studying and began a Bachelor of Laws at UNE. Since then, Nathan has completed his Legal Training and obtained a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice. Last month, he was admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW.

“I have always had an interest in law. I probably fell in love with it during high school legal studies - shout out to my former teacher, Ms Cheney. However, I chose to pursue journalism immediately after school, because writing was my strength. My career was, however, naturally taking me into a very legal-orientated world - water policy, commercial transactions, corporate structures etc., so I decided to bite the bullet and study law.”

Currently, Nathan is the Company Secretary and General Manager Corporate Services of Murray Irrigation Limited – a public unlisted company, based in southern NSW. By studying law, he aimed to strengthen his legal capabilities and experience to provide stronger in-house counsel services.

“I really am grateful to work for such a great company. Murray Irrigation has been very supportive of my personal development aspirations.

Man and wife in front of hight court with certificate

Nathan and wife, Stephanie after being admitted as a lawyer of the Supreme Court of NSW.

“My role is extremely stimulating. There is such great variety and you get to meet and work with some really great people,” says Nathan.

Nathan admits that without the support of his wife, Stephanie, he wouldn’t have been able to achieve the success he has – let alone complete his degree. According to Nathan, finding your work-life balance is essential in completing your studies.

“Stephanie and I have two beautiful kids – Henry, 5, and Audrey, 2. I’ve also worked full time in a fairly demanding job throughout my studies. You really need to find the right balance in life to study in those circumstances. You also need to make sacrifices and surround yourself with supportive people.

You really need to find the right balance in life to study in those circumstances. You also need to make sacrifices and surround yourself with supportive people.

“You need to be committed if you want to study a degree – but it’s all worth it in the end.”

Man with wife and two small children at graduation

Henry, Audrey, Nathan and Stephanie Holahan at graduation.

For Nathan, the biggest challenge to studying law was ‘getting into a rhythm’.

“You need to ensure you remain disciplined. Set yourself a timetable and stick to it. The other thing I had to learn was that ‘it’s not a race’. Don’t feel the need to take on too much all at once. To remind myself of this, I literally pinned a picture of the ‘The Tortoise and The Hare Race’ on my wall behind my laptop. It was a constant reminder that with hard work, I would eventually get there.

And as someone who has had much personal and professional success, what is Nathan’s best advice for others?

“It’s never too late to study. UNE really does provide a great platform for you to achieve your goals. One of the silver linings of COVID is that education is so accessible now. I studied with people of all ages and backgrounds, with many based overseas.”

It’s never too late to study. UNE really does provide a great platform for you to achieve your goals.

Man in graduation gown holds toddler son who is wearing trencher on head

Nathan and Henry at Booloominbah, UNE on graduation day.

Illustration of tortoise racing a hare

'It's not a race' - Tortoise and the Hare. Thompson, 2004.