Northern NSW Pest Identification Service

This service is run by staff from the Insect Ecology Laboratory, Centre for Behavioural and Physiological Ecology, University of New England (UNE) and is part of a broader project that aims to provide practical support to the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies in the Northern NSW grains industry. The project is jointly funded by the Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC) and UNE. The UNE Insect Ecology Laboratory has strong collaborative links with the National Invertebrate Pest Initiative (NIPI) and CSIRO Entomology.

The Sweep Net blog is an interactive website that hosts information about insect pest identification and management issues specifically in the Northern NSW grain region. The Sweep Net offers information on a range of insect pests and management considerations arising from the insect pest identification service. The blog is hosted by UNE and is supported by funding from the GRDC. The Sweep Net is designed to complement existing electronic insect pest information services including The Beat Sheet (Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation) and PestFacts south-eastern edition (Centre for Environmental Stress and Adaptation Research). Information from all three publications will be of interest to growers.