ERS Research

The School of Environmental and Rural Science has active and strong research programs across three research themes  Animal Sciences, Life, Earth, Environment, and Plant, Soil, Environment.

The School also has a strong International development research program. Our vision is to 'save the planet and feed the world' and our world leading researchers do this by using cutting edge facilities to translate science into solutions for the complex problems facing our plant today. Our honours and postgraduate research students are embedded within and make valuable contribution to our diverse research programs.

Our research themes:

Research with us

Honours Research

For many students, honours is an introduction to further academic research, such as a Research Masters or PhD.

Find out more

Postgraduate Research

Postgraduate research options include several Research Masters programs, as well as PhD research.

Find out about postgraduate study in ERS

Find out about postgraduate study at UNE

Prospective Post-Doctoral Researchers

The school offers research projects across the range of disciplines. Our research is in high demand and with an outstanding international reputation. The University supports its research through the UNE Post Doctorate Research Fellowship scheme that is an open call process. If you are interested in Post Doctorate Research please contact the school office or one of our researchers or research groups that best meets your area of interest.