About the Archaeomaterials Science Hub

The Archaeomaterials Science Hub (ASH), is a research facility established by Assoc Prof Grave, a lead researcher in archaeological materials science in Australia.  ASH not only has state-of-the-art analytical capacity and technical support for a wide range of materials and methods, the combination of which is without parallel nationally, but also an excellent national and international collaborative network for areas not directly covered by ASH expertise (e.g. phytoliths) or equipment (e.g. NAA) with research groups or laboratories in Canada, the US (Santa Clara University), the UK (Manchester University), and France (CNRS, Lyon).

Archaeomaterials Science

Project lead

Associate Professor Peter Grave - Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education

Researcher profile


Khmer Production & Exchange

This project uses stoneware production and exchange as a proxy for Khmer political expansion and contraction.

Project Details

Proxies of power: ceramics and the Anatolian Iron Age

This project aims to understand the economic and political dynamics of emerging, competing polities during the Early and Middle Iron Age (~1200-600 BCE) in central and west Anatolia. ARC Discovery – DP190102089.

Materials Analysis Capacity

Map of Cyprus showing sediment sources matched to Neutron Activation data

Grave, P., L. Kealhofer, B. Marsh, U. Schoop, J. Seeher, J.W. Bennett, A. Stopic, 2014 Ceramic, trade, provenience and geology: Cyprus in the late Bronze Age. Antiquity 88: 1180-1200

Inorganic and organic chemistry

istable isotope
sorbtion/desorbtion kinetics
thermal dynamics



Materials expertise

archaeological ceramics