Indicators of Community Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptive Capacity across the Murray-Darling Basin

The Institute for Rural Futures, in collaboration with researchers from the Bureau of Rural Sciences (BRS, now ABARE-BRS), undertook a project on indicators of community vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity in the Murray-Darling Basin.

The report was commissioned by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA).

The work complemented other work, also commissioned by MDBA, on modelling the potential impacts of reduced 'consumptive use' of water, in order to provide more water for environmental assets. The results were a key aspect of information to be taken into account in the draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan, released in October 2010.  A key component of this Plan was the setting of 'Sustainable Diversion Limits' for the use of water in the Basin.

The final report from this collaborative project, revised in 2012, is available for download from the web pages of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Completed in 2010

Funded by: Murray Darling Basin Authority

Contact: Richard Stayner