Biodiversity, Landscapes and Ecosystem Stewardship

Welcome to the Biodiversity, Landscapes and Ecosystem Stewardship research group…

Scholarship Opportunity

We are looking for Australian or NZ honours/Masters graduates to take up an exciting UNE PhD scholarship entitled "Linking pollinator biodiversity with spatial variability in tree characteristics". More information is available on the scholarships page.


Our Research

Our strength is in our diversity. One of the great things about science is that we get to ask questions of fundamental importance to the future of life of Earth as we know it. Questions like how can we develop a smaller footprint upon the planet and leave room and resources for the rest of nature, or how western civilisation can become more socially equitable, ecologically just and economically sustainable so that all peoples, including unborn generations, can live with dignity free from injustice, environmental degradation and economic hardship.

Current and Recent Projects
    Eco Rehab Fieldtrip 2014
  • seeing green: sales pitches for conserving native biodiversity that connect with farmers
  • monitoring, evaluation and improvement of on-ground investments in revegetation and natural resource management
  • biophysical and socio-economic impacts of wild canid management in wilderness and farming regions
  • nature and value of ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
  • relationship between invasive native scrub (INS), soil erosion and soil health
  • state-and-transition models for threatened ecological communities
  • role of the visual and performing arts in influencing environmental attitudes
  • restoring weed-infested hardwood plantations for biodiversity conservation
  • impact of feral horses in temperate and subtropical wilderness
  • profitable biodiverse wool production systems
  • cotton growers as ecosystem stewards
  • river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) dieback on inland floodplains
  • rapid biodiversity assessment methods
  • coolibah recruitment after flooding and environmental water management
  • managing INS in the endangered ecological community of coolibah – black box woodland
  • plant biodiversity in grazed pastures
  • economic valuation of ecosystem services at catchment and farm scale
  • plant conservation strategies in arid New South Wales: what works?

Mango plantation

Further information

Our People

Dr Romina Rader

Various research projects - view staff profile page.

Professor Nick Reid

Various research projects – view staff profile page and CV.
Google Scholar Research Profile

Research Gate Profile

Dr Rhiannon Smith

Various research projects.


Isabelle Balzer

Research project (PhD): Modelling the past, mapping the present and envisaging the future: employing species distribution models and GIS to investigate the impact of climate change on the past environment and archaeology of the Kimberley bioregion, northern Australia.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Sharon L Brown

Research project (PhD): Cost-effective revegetation technology: restoring connectivity in the Border Rivers – Gwydir catchment.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Heidi Kolkert

Research project (PhD): Quantifying the pest control services provided by insectivorous birds and microbats in intensive agricultural areas.
SupervisorNick Reid.

Kathryn Lambert

Research project (PhD): Are bell miners Manorina melanophrys a primary cause of dieback: importance of lantana Lantana camara infestation, removal of psyllid predators and miner dynamics on forest health.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Rachel Lawrence

Research project (PhD): Ground layer biodiversity of alternatively managed grazing properties on the New England Slopes and Tablelands.
Supervisors: Romina Rader, Nick Reid.

Michelle McKemey

Research project (PhD): Cultural burning: exploring Indigenous knowledge of country to support fire management in northern New South Wales and the Northern Territory.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Helen Morgan

Research project (PhD): Management of wild canids and trophic cascades: how is vegetation influenced by top-order predators?
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Justine Philip

Research project (PhD): Traversing the barrier fence: exploring the cultural life and afterlife of the Canis dingo.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Lorena Ruiz Talonia

Research project (PhD): Restoration of native vegetation: ecological and genetic considerations associated with seed germination.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Frances Zewe

Research project (PhD): The ecology of feral cats Felis silvestris catus in north-eastern New South Wales and interactions with the spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus.
Supervisors: Nick Reid, Karl Vernes.

Sarah Ellen McDonald

Research project (PhD): Implications of grazing management for biodiversity conservation in the rangelands.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.
Michal Krysztof Smielak

Research project (PhD): Community ecology of threatened critical-weight-range mammals in response to wild canid and feral cat control.
Supervisors: Nick Reid, Karl Vernes.
Karrar Abdulhussein Kadhim Al-Hajiya

Research project (PhD): Role of native vegetation in enhancing cotton profits through natural pest control and enhanced efficacy of native invertebrate predators.

Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Madeleine Kate Black

Research project (PhD): Working with farmers and graziers to conserve biodiversity on their land.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.

Daphne McCurdy

Research project (PhD):The social responsibilities of universities.
Supervisor: Nick Reid.
Michelle Yates

Research project (PhD): Ecosystem services within a semi-arid agricultural landscape: the importance of weed species and native plants in supporting aphid parasitoids and plant pollinators.
Supervisors: Romina Rader, J.Mommott (Bristol), R.Gunning (DPI).
Join Us

Inquiries from potential postgraduate and post-doctoral researchers are always welcome.

Professor Nick Reid
Ecosystem Management
School of Environmental and Rural Science
University of New England
Armidale, New South Wales, 2351
Ph: +61 2 6773 2759
Fax: +61 2 6773 2769


Related publications from 2001 to the present

Mango flowerContact Us

If you are interested in some of the projects that our members are undertaking or have ideas that fall into similar areas, contact:

Professor Nick C. H. Reid
Dr Romina Rader

Biodiversity, Landscapes and Ecosystem Stewardship research group
Ecosystem Management  (building W055)
School of Environmental and Rural Science
University of New England
Armidale, New South Wales 2351

Ph: +61 2 6773 2759