UNE Induction

When commencing your research degree, it is important to familiarise yourself with the University's policies, procedures, and processes at both a University and Local level. The HDR Induction should be completed early in your candidature period (before Confirmation of Candidature) to ensure you have the knowledge and support to commence and progress through your studies in a timely manner and with a successful outcome.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Be familiar with the policies and procedures which govern HDR candidature
  2. Understand the expectations of HDR candidates
  3. Understand the expectations of HDR Supervisors
  4. Explain the milestones requirements for HDR candidates
  5. Be familiar with the process to apply for a variation to candidature
  6. Know where to go for support if required

Complete the Module 2 Self-evaluation activity before proceeding.

Download the Workbook and Additional Resources

2.1 The UNE HDR Induction

The HDR Induction aims to assist you from the commencement of your studies and provide you with information on what to expect over the period of your candidature. Topics covered include:

  • UNE HDR Environment
  • Getting Started
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Ethics
  • Milestones and Progression
  • Scholarships
  • Variations to Candidature
  • Support Services

The Central HDR Induction can be accessed through the HDR Resources and Advice Portal (HDR RAP) in Moodle using your UNE student login details.

2.2 Your Supervision Team

Your supervision team, often made up of your main supervisor and co-supervisor, will act as mentors throughout your candidature. You should meet with them regularly and discuss goals, timelines, and outcomes of your research. It is important to set clear expectations of yourself and your supervisors early on.

All HDR Candidates are required to complete the Supervision Agreement form within the first four weeks of candidature. This form will assist yourself and your supervisors to discuss and come to an agreement on topics such as:

  • Meeting frequency and method
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Intellectual Property and Authorship
  • Project Plan and Milestones

Careful discussions and completion of this Agreement can save issues from arising throughout your candidature.

Changes to your supervision team may be required during your candidature for some of the following reasons:

  • Supervisor retires
  • Supervisor leaves UNE
  • Students research aligns better with another supervisor’s area of expertise
  • An additional supervisor is added to your team

These changes may be temporary or for the remainder of your candidature.

The HDR Team must be notified of any changes to your supervisory team by submitting a Change of Supervision form.

You are now ready to complete the Module 2 Activities in your workbook

Progress to Module 3 - Research Integrity and Ethics


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