Meg Rice

Thank you to UNE Agriculture Industry Connect for Meg Rice's story:

HUGE news for UNE alumna Meg Rice who has recently joined Country to Canberra’s (C2C) board of directors!

Meg recently took some time to answer a few questions about her journey since her time at UNE.

“I am excited to be part of an organisation that encourages young rural women to participate in leadership and decision-making in their chosen field.”

Before joining the Board of Directors with C2C, Meg had been a mentor for Country to Canberra Power Trip winners. “The Mentoring Program seeks to facilitate and offer mentorship and sponsorship opportunities to young rural women to build their skills, networks and capacities,” Meg said.

Country to Canberra is a nationwide program that provides education, leadership and mentorship opportunities to teenage girls and non-binary people in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia.

“Country to Canberra are a leading voice for young women and are committed to strengthening rural communities into the future. Their mission is to empower young rural women to reach their leadership potential. Country to Canberra delivers four inspiring programs (Leadership Competition and Power Trip, Project Empower Roadtrip Workshop Series, Blogger Team and Mentoring Program), plus two alumni networks to support young rural women into the future” Meg said.

“My studies and involvement in various activities has given me experiences and insight that will allow me to make a meaningful contribution to the Country to Canberra Board Directors.”

Meg graduated with a Bachelors of Agriculture and Laws at UNE in 2019, and in the same year was admitted as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW.

Meg now currently works as a graduate policy officer with the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources in Canberra. Meg has also been busy the past several years involved with various boards and committees, being the former Chairperson of the UNE Farming Futures, a Young Farming Champion since 2017, a RAS Rural Achiever and a board director for UNE Life.

We thank Meg again for her time and insight. We wish her all the best for the future, we are sure she will accomplish great things!