Oorala Annual Indigenous T-Shirt Design Competition

The Oorala Aboriginal Centre support a shirt that creates a sense of community and celebrate our culture, whilst promoting education here at UNE.

The winning shirt is selected by means of a public vote.

This is the selection for 2024 Community Shirt

Please vote for the one you would like to see as a design on a T-shirt.


Design #1

T-Shirt Design 1

My Happiness

Family to me means happiness.
It’s playing with my baby brother.
It’s the laughter when playing with my cousins.  
Happiness is my Mum’s generosity.  
It’s how safe and warm my home feels.

Design #2

T-Shirt Design 2

This Is My Story

My artwork represents me and my family spending time altogether.
It tells the story of memories being shared, camping, swimming and being around the campfire.
I feel lucky to explore places special to my culture and to learn from my family and friends.

Design #3

T-Shirt Design 3

Following In Your Footsteps

My artwork tells the story of me growing up with my Pop. He used to take me fishing and we would cook the fish we caught on a campfire. I can remember the sour taste of his bush lemons, the smell of the smoke, the feel of his soft hands squeezing my cheeks and I can remember the loving voice of my Pop as he told me stories of him growing up in Bellbrook.

He is the most loving, kindest and caring Pop and I could not have asked for a better role model to lead the path for me.

Design #4

T-Shirt Design 4

My Journey

This artwork represents my life's journey so far, my education and the significant people in my life. I’d like to thank all of the supporters in my life right now, my brothers, sisters, teachers, friends and my family. I thank them for helping me on this journey, even when things get difficult.