Parking Infringements and Appeals

Parking Penalty Notices are issued to vehicles that do not park in accordance with both the UNE Parking Policy. Some examples of when a Penalty Notice would be issued are:

  • the appropriate physical parking permit is either not displayed or the virtual parking permit is not linked to the vehicles registration;
  • the appropriate physical parking permit is not displayed correctly;
  • the parking permit (physical or virtual) has expired;
  • vehicles are parked in places they should not be parked;
  • vehicles are parked outside the marked parking bays;
  • loading zone & other bays with time limits have been exceeded;

Penalty Amount

Infringements issued by the University are currently $136.00. This figure is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which is adjusted on 1st July each year.


Revenue NSW, handles all services (including appeals) on behalf of the University. These services include:

  • Infringement processing
  • Payment processing
  • Correspondence processing
  • Appeals processing
  • Court Election processing

Any person who has been issued with a Penalty Notice has the right of appeal. All appeals must be addressed in writing to the:

Revenue NSW
P O Box 786
Strawberry Hills
NSW 2012


You can appeal your Penalty Notice  from the Revenue NSW Fines web page.

A digital photograph is taken at the time the infringement notice is issued and a copy of these photographs is available to those who want them for appeal by contacting Parking Administration on 02 6773 3485, by emailing or by calling into the Safety, Security & Information office in the Union Building (C18) located next to the Central Courtyard in the academic precinct. Photos linked to electronically issued Penalty Notices are available for viewing from Revenue NSW.

Once an infringement notice has been issued you have 28 days to either pay the fine or lodge an appeal with Revenue NSW. Revenue NSW will manage all appeals and respond to you with the outcome. If the notice is still outstanding after 28 days from issue, a reminder notice will be forwarded to the person named in the original notice or to the registered owner of the vehicle, as recorded by the Roads & Maritime Services (RMS). The reminder notice allows a further period of 28 days to make payment.

Penalty notices which are not satisfied within the time periods allotted will be referred for further enforcement action. This includes referral to RMS for licence or vehicle registration cancellation. More information can be found on the Revenue NSW web site.