Order with and without Law: Understanding Perceptions and Attitudes towards Formal and Informal Controls of Environmental Resource Transgressions

A previous study of farmers across NSW found farmers are frequently the victims of actions that cause environmental problems on farms.  These problems can include farmers discovering cannabis growing illegally on their land, rubbish or waste dumping, water theft, illegal damming, spray drift, and illegal clearing.  Some people find that living in a small community makes reporting suspected offenders in the district very difficult.  Some communities are better able to manage these problems than others.

Current research, policy and programs tend to overlook the importance of understanding the nuances of the social environment of rural communities and as a consequence, many regulations and programs for environmental protection remain ineffective.  This study will seek to bridge the gap between current policies and their acceptance within the community, by producing a set of design principles that could be applied by decision makers (within both government and community) for bolstering a particular community's capacity for self-governance of a given NRM issue.

Funded by the Department of Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities (CERF).

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Completed in 2010

Funded by: Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities

Contact: The Institute for Rural Futures