Law Units for International Law Degrees

The units below are the UNE equivalent to the LPAB Diploma of Law. If you are applying to be a solicitor in Australia, with an overseas degree, you need to apply and be assessed by the LPAB to find out which units you are required to complete in order to be admitted as solicitor. Please visit the Admission Board for the State/Territory you are applying for admission. Each State and Territory have their own Admission Boards.

Please visit the School's Advance Standing Policy page for any further information.

LPAB Compulsory SubjectsSchool of Law Equivalent Units
01 Legal InstitutionsLAW100 Introduction to Legal Systems and Methods
02 ContractsLAW172 Contract Law
03 TortsLAW131 Tort Law
04 Criminal LawLAW162 Criminal Law
05 Real PropertyLAW283 Property Law
06 Australian Constitutional LawLAW399 Constitutional Law
07 EquityLAW340 Equity and Trusts
08 Commercial TransactionsLAW283 Property Law
09 Administrative LawLAW400 Administrative Law
10 Law of AssociationsLAW351 Corporations Law
11 EvidenceLAW313 Evidence and Proof
12 Taxation and Revenue LawLAW352 Taxation Law
13 SuccessionLAW301 Succession
14 ConveyancingLAW321 Conveyancing
15 Practice and ProcedureLAW310 Civil Dispute Resolution
17 Legal EthicsLAW320 Professional Conduct
24 JurisprudenceLAW455 Jurisprudence