Dr Aydin Areta

Adjunct Senior Lecturer - Faculty of Medicine and Health; School of Rural Medicine


Dr Areta is a medical doctor with 12 years of both academic and clinical experience. As an academic he served for three years as Senior Lecturer in Clinical Medicine at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney School of Medicine (Dec 2011-Feb 2015) where the job involved didactic teaching of Clinical and Communication Skills and also group tutoring and clinical facilitation in various subjects including clinical ethics, population and public health and also problem based learning.

Dr Areta also served as clinical examiner, member of the board of examiners and also helped the medical education unit with curriculum design and standardization of learning objectives across the four years of medical school curriculum.  During his service at the UNDA SOMS, he received three Dean’s Letter of Merit for attaining the commendatory teaching performance UMR based on both university annual evaluation of academic staff performance and also students’ feedback.