Dr Andrew Talk

Senior Lecturer; Fourth Year Course Coordinator - Faculty of Medicine and Health; School of Psychology

Andrew Talk

Phone: +61 2 6773 3725

Email: atalk@une.edu.au


Online: Google Scholar


BA (Southwestern), MS (Rutgers), PhD (Rutgers)

Teaching Areas

PSYC 366 Biopsychology
PSYC 4th Year Reading Course: Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

Research Interests

The study of electrophysiological and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the storage and retrieval of information in the brain. Furthermore, the neural changes that occur during forms of behaviourally silent learning, as found during sensory preconditioning, and latent inhibition.

Research Supervision Experience

Supervision Areas

Biopsychology, Learning and Memory


Representative Publications

For the latest check my Google Scholar profile

Grasby, K., & Talk, A. (2013). The anterior claustrum and spatial reversal learning in rats. Brain research, 1499, 43-52.

Parnell, R., Grasby, K., & Talk, A. (2012). The prefrontal cortex is required for incidental encoding but not recollection of source information in rodents. Behavioural Brain Research.

Li, L., Weiss, C., Talk, A. C., Disterhoft, J. F., & Wyrwicz, A. M. (2012). A MRI-compatible system for whisker stimulation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 205(2), 305-311.

Byrne, B., Wadsworth, S., Boehme, K., Talk, A. C., Coventry, W. L., Olson, R. K., ... & Corley, R. (2012). Multivariate Genetic Analysis of Learning and Early Reading Development.

Rawson, T., O'Kane, M., & Talk, A. (2010). The medial prefrontal cortex and memory of cue location in the rat. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 93(1), 132-136.

Smalheiser, N., Torvik, V., Bischoff-Grethe, A., Burhans, L., Gabriel, M., Homayouni, R., . . . Price, D. (2006). Collaborative development of the Arrowsmith two node search interface designed for laboratory investigators. Journal of biomedical discovery and collaboration, 1(1), 8.

Talk, A., Stoll, E., & Gabriel, M. (2005). Cingulate cortical coding of context-dependent latent inhibition. Behavioral Neuroscience, 119(6), 1524.

Talk, A., Kashef, A., & Gabriel, M. (2004). Effects of Conditioning During Amygdalar Inactivation on Training-Induced Neuronal Plasticity in the Medial Geniculate Nucleus and Cingulate Cortex in Rabbits(Oryctolagus cuniculus). Behavioral neuroscience, 118(5), 944.

Talk, A., Kang, E., & Gabriel, M. (2004). Independent generation of theta rhythm in the hippocampus and posterior cingulate cortex. Brain research, 1015(1), 15-24.

Sjovall, A. M., & Talk, A. C. (2004). From actions to impressions: Cognitive attribution theory and the formation of corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 7(3), 269-281.

Talk, A. C., Gandhi, C. C., & Matzel, L. D. (2002). Hippocampal function during behaviorally silent associative learning: Dissociation of memory storage and expression. Hippocampus, 12(5), 648-656.

Gabriel, M., Burhans, L., Talk, A., & Scalf, P. (2002). Cingulate cortex. Encyclopedia of the human brain, 1, 775-791.

Duvel, A. D., Smith, D. M., Talk, A., & Gabriel, M. (2001). Medial geniculate, amygdalar and cingulate cortical training-induced neuronal activity during discriminative avoidance learning in rabbits with auditory cortical lesions. The Journal of Neuroscience, 21(9), 3271-3281.

Beylin, A. V., Gandhi, C. C., Wood, G. E., Talk, A. C., Matzel, L. D., & Shors, T. J. (2001). The role of the hippocampus in trace conditioning: temporal discontinuity or task difficulty? Neurobiology of learning and memory, 76(3), 447-461.

Burhans, L., Talk, A., and Gabriel, M. (2001). The Cingulate Cortex. In N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes (Eds), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Pergamon, Oxford, vol 3, 1799-1805.