Dr Tiago Alves Corrêa Carvalho da Silva

Research Fellow (Small Ruminant Systems) - School of Environmental and Rural Science

Tiago Alves Corrêa Carvalho da Silva

Phone: +61 2 6773 3901

Mobile: 0412 811 045

Email: tiago.silva@une.edu.au


Tiago is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Environmental and Rural Science. He earned a Bachelor of Agronomic Engineering from University of São Paulo and subsequently a PhD in Animal Science from the University of Queensland. Since his undergraduate degree, he has worked in numerous research projects in Australia, New Zealand and Brazil on a diverse variety of topics related to ruminants and pasture production.


Bachelor of Agronomic Engineering, University of São Paulo

PhD in Animal Science, University of Queensland



Poppi, D.P., Quigley, S.P., Silva, T.A.C.C., McLennan (2018) Challenges of beef cattle production from tropical pastures. Brazilian Journal of Animal Science, 47, e20160419. Epub June 25, 2018.https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/rbz4720160419.


Poppi, D.P., Silva, T.A.C.C., Quigley, S.P., Kidd, L.J., Anderson, S.T., Schatz, T., McCosker, K., (2018) Target dry season weight gains for weaner heifers. Project number B.GBP.0005, Meat & Livestock Australia Limited.

Conference proceedings

Silva, T.A.C.C., Kidd, L.J., Quigley, S.P., McLennan, S.R., Anderson, S.T., Poppi, D.P. Hormones and bone turnover in nutritionally restricted growing cattle. In Proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. Leipzig, Germany, 2019

Quigley, S.P., Nattrass, G., Kidd, L.J., Anderson, S.T., Silva, T.A.C.C., Poppi, D.P. Gene expression in the skeletal muscle of Bos taurus and Bos indicus steers undergoing compensatory gain. In Proceedings of the XIIIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology. Leipzig, Germany, 2019

Silva, T.A.C.C., Peck, G.G., McLean, A.R., Taylor, D.B., Flavel, R. Phosphorus and zinc fertilization effect on the first season growth of three annual medic cultivars. In: Proceedings of The Northern Beef Research Update Conference. Brisbane: The North Australia Beef Research Council, 2019.

Negrara, W., Gilbert, R., Ouwerkerk, D., Klieve, A., Silva, T.A.C.C., McCosker, K., Schatz, T. The effect of Post Weaning supplementation on the rumen microbial population of Brahman-Cross heifers from Northern Australia. Rowett-INRA 2018 Gut Microbiology: No longer the forgotten organ. Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 2018.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Kidd, L.J., Quigley, S.P., McLennan, S.R., Anderson, S.T., Poppi, D.P. The relationship between liveweight-for-hip height and compensatory growth in cattle. In Proceedings of the 32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Wagga Wagga: Australian Society of Animal Production, 2018.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Kidd, L.J., Quigley, S.P., Mclennan, S.R., Anderson, S.T., Poppi, D.P. High protein content stimulates bone elongation on energy-restricted cattle. In Proceedings of the 31th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Adelaide: Australian Society of Animal Production, 2016.

Silva, T.A.C.C., McCosker, K., Schatz, T., Quigley, S.P., McLennan, S.R., Poppi, D.P. Strategies for replacement heifers in Northern Australia: Weaning weight. In: Proceedings of The Northern Beef Research Update Conference. Rockhampton: The North Australia Beef Research Council, 2016.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Quigley, S.P., Kidd, L.J., McLennan, S.R., Poppi, D.P. Skeletal Growth, Liveweight Gain and Feed Intake of Bos indicus and Bos taurus Cattle Undergoing Compensatory Liveweight Gain. In Proceedings of the 30th Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. Canberra: Australian Society of Animal Production, 2014. v. 30. p. 289-289.

Kidd, L.J., Quigley, S.P., Silva, T.A.C.C., McLennan, S.R., Poppi, D.P. The effect of crude protein content or level of metabolisable energy intake on skeletal growth in Bos indicus crossbred and Holstein genotype steers. In Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 2013, Cairns. Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 2013.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Almeida, P.C., Hosrri, G.F. Efeito da utilização de fertilizantes e inseticidas sobre a produtividade de sistemas de pecuária de corte (“Effect of utilization fertilizers and insecticides on productivity of beef cattle systems”). In: SIICUSP, 2011, Piracicaba. 19o Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP (International Symposium of Scientific Initiation of USP), 2011.

Natsumeda, G.A., Silva, T.A.C.C., Congio, G.F.S. Efeito de diferentes temperaturas e dosagens de Thiamethoxam sobre o crescimento vegetativo do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae (“Effect of different temperatures and concentrations of Thiamethoxam on vegetative development of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae”). In: SIICUSP, 2011, Piracicaba. 19o Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP (International Symposium of Scientific Initiation of USP), 2011.

Pinheiros, R.M., Silva, T.A.C.C., Congio, G.F.S. Efeito de diferentes temperaturas e dosagens de Thiamethoxam sobre a conidiogênese do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae (“Effect of different temperatures and concentrations of Thiamethoxam on conidial production of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae”). In: SIICUSP, 2011, Piracicaba. 19o Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da USP (International Symposium of Scientific Initiation of USP), 2011.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Tinazo, V.A., Almeida, P.C, Congio, G.F.S., Shiota, M.M., Corsi, M. Descrição populacional de cigarrinhas adultas do gênero Mahanarva spp. em pastagens de Brachiaria Brizantha cv Marandu na Região Norte do país. (“Populational description of Mahanarva spittlebugs in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pastures located in the north region of Brazil.”). In: 47a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia (Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science), 2010, Salvador. 47a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2010.

Goulart, R.C.D., Almeida, P.C, Congio, G.F.S., Silva, T.A.C.C., Shiota, M.M., Corsi, M. Antimicrobianos promotores de crescimento em misturas minerais para bovinos de corte em pastejo: ganho de peso (“The utilization of antimicrobial growth promoters in mineral mixtures for grazing beef cattle: average daily gain”). In: 47a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia (Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science), 2010, Salvador. 47a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2010.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Congio, G.F.S., Almeida, P.C, Moura, M.L., Aramaki, P., Shiota, M.M., Corsi, M. Efeito de diferentes temperaturas e dosagens de Thiamethoxam sobre o desenvolvimento do fungo Metarhizium anisopliae. (“Effect of different temperatures and concentration of Thiamethoxam on the development of Metharhizium anisopliae fungus”). In: XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia (Brazilian Congress of Entomology), 2010, Natal. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, 2010.

Congio, G.F.S., Silva, T.A.C.C., Almeida, P.C, Barros, A.C.C., Grisoto, E, Corsi, M. Características morfogênicas e estruturais de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu após ataque de cigarrinhas adultas do gênero Mahanarva. (“Morphogenic and structural characteristics of Brachiaria Brizantha cv. Marandu after Mahanarva spittlebugs attack.”). In: XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia (Brazilian Congress of Entomology), 2010, Natal. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, 2010.

Congio, G.F.S., Almeida, P.C, Goulart, R.C.D., Silva, T.A.C.C., Cruz, A. P.S., Sokoloski, I.M., Corsi, M., Vendramim, J.D. Respostas morfofisiológicas de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu sob ataque de cigarrinhas adultas do gênero Mahanarva. (“Morphophysiological alterations in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu during attack of spittlebugs of Mahanarva genus.”). In: XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia (Brazilian Congress of Entomology), 2010, Natal. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, 2010.

Silva, T.A.C.C., Tinazo, V.A., Congio, G.F.S., Almeida, P.C, Aramaki, P., Shiota, M.M., Corsi, M. Efeito do controle de cigarrinhas e fertilização sobre a infestação de plantas daninhas e produção de forragem. (“The effect of insecticide and fertilizer utilization on weed infestation and forage production”). In: XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia (Brazilian Congress of Entomology), 2010, Natal. XXIII Congresso Brasileiro de Entomologia, 2010.

Resende Junior, A.J., Corsi, M., Shiota, M.M., Silva, T.A.C.C., Pela, L.F. P., Oliveira, C.J.B.S., Rossetti, A.C.P.A. Altura, crescimento e perfilhamento de capim Tanzânia sob adubação nitrogenada no inverno e primavera. (“Sward height, growth and tillering of Tanzânia grass when subjected to nitrogen

fertilization during winter and spring”). In: 46 Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia (Annual meeting of the Brazilian Society of Animal Science), 2009, Maringá. 46 Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2009

Silva, T.A.C.C., Tinazo, V.A., Barreto, T.R. Eficiência dos inseticidas Tiametoxam e Tiametoxam + Lambda- cialotrina no controle de cigarrinhas do gênero Mahanarva em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu. (“Control efficiency of Tiametoxam and Tiametoxam + Lambda-cialotrina in Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu attacked by Mahanarva spittlebugs”) In: 16 Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica, 2008, Piracicaba. 16 Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica (International Symposium of Scientific Initiation of USP), 2008.

Oliveira, C.J.B.S., Goulart, R.C.D., Silva, T.A.C.C. Desempenho de ovelhas suplementadas com sal proteinado convencional ou resíduo líquido da indústria de glutamato monossódico. (“Performance of lambs supplemented with common proteic salt or liquid residue of glutamate monosodique production”) In: 16 Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica (International Symposium of Scientific Initiation of USP), 2008, Piracicaba. 16 Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica, 2008.