Dr Onoriode Coast

Senior Lecturer in Crop Science - School of Environmental and Rural Science

Onoriode Coast

Phone: +61 2 6773 1592

Email: ocoast@une.edu.au

Twitter: @coast_onoriode?


Coast is a Lecturer in Crop Science at the University of New England, Australia. Prior to joining UNE, Coast was a Senior Research Fellow at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich (2020-2021), Research Fellow at the Australian National University (ANU, 2016-2020) and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO, 2013-2016). Coast holds a PhD (University of Reading) and B. Agric. (First Class Honours, University of Benin) in Crop Science.

Coast investigates abiotic stress tolerance in crops with a focus on thermal acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration, and the consequences of these on crop yield and quality. He is also interested in horticultural crop production, particularly protected cropping systems. His research has developed tools for improving crop production and research in challenging environments. At CSIRO he developed a canopy temperature-based irrigation scheduling tool for cotton production in Australia, and at ANU he developed a non-invasive and large-scale system for estimation of plant tissue respiration. Coast collaborates widely on projects with national and global partners.