HDR Enrolment Form - Guidelines and Definitions

The University of New England collects statistical information on behalf of the Australian Government. It is important that all fields are answered correctly. By submitting this information I acknowledge that personal information contained within the enrolment form may be disclosed to organisations outside the UNE.

The guidelines below have been prepared to assist you in understanding and answering the questions.

To complete the enrolment form, you will need the following:

  1. your Offer of Admission
  2. a Unique Student Identifier (USI) which you obtain from the Australian Government. Your USI is not the same as your UNE Student Number. You will need to get a USI before filling out the enrolment form. It is an online process which typically takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

Section 1: Student Information

Student NumberThis can be found at the top of your Offer of Admission.

Student USI NumberThis is provided by the Australian Government and you will need to provide this to enable UNE to process your enrolment.

Family NameSurname as per passport/birth certificate.

Given NameFirst names as per passport/birth certificate.

Middle NameMiddle names as per passport/birth certificate.

Email Address (As Stated on Offer of Admission)This needs to be the email address that is stated on your Offer of Admission.

Contact Phone NumberThis needs to be an Australian phone number that you are able to be contacted on.

Course Name (Drop down box)This is the course stated on your Offer of Admission.

Course Commencement DateThis is the date that you wish to officially commence studying. Your candidature time will commence from this date. Before stating a commencement date, you should ensure that you have spoken to your Principal Supervisor to confirm that they approve of this date.

Semester AddressThis is the address you will be living at while you are studying at UNE.

Home AddressThis the address you live at while not studying. This is only required if it's different to your semester address.

Section 2: Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact
A person who is accessible and can make decisions on your behalf.

Section 3: Student Accessibility and Wellbeing 

Student Accessibility and Wellbeing
Yes/No Question - To receive support, please register with our Student Accessibility & Wellbeing Office (SAWO)

Section 4: Statistical Information

Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Decent
This is to ascertain whether you identify as being of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander decent. Please tick either yes or no to each question to indicate whether you identify as either Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander decent.

Citizenship Status
This is to identify what your citizenship (or residence) status is. Please tick the relevant box to what your citizenship status to.

Country of Birth
This is to identify the country you were born in. Please write in the box which country you were born in.

Year of Arrival in Australia
This is identifying the year in which you first arrived in Australia. This is not needed if you were born in Australia. Please write in the box the year you first arrived in Australia (for example: if you first came here to study in 2016 and then returned in 2020 to study again, you would put 2016; if this year is the first time you have come to Australia, you would put this year).

Language Spoken at Home
This is to identify the use of a language other than English at your residence. Please write in the box any language that is spoken at home if English is not the main language.

Highest Level of Education Completed by Parents
This is to identify the highest level of education completed by your parents or guardians. You MUST provide information for at least one parent. Please tick the box to indicate the highest level of education COMPLETED by each parent.

Highest Level of Education Completed by yourself
This is to identify the highest level of education you have completed.

Year you left High School
The year you left high school or secondary school.

Institution you completed your undergraduate degree
If you completed multiple undergraduate degrees at different universities, please list them all, including international and domestic institutions.

Section 5: Covid-19 Guidelines

Covid-19 Guidelines
Tick box if completed

Section 6: Student Declaration

You need to read this and tick the box. You should be aware that ticking the box is the equivalent of a signature.

Once you have done this, press submit. Your enrolment will then be processed by the Graduate Research School. After they have processed your enrolment, you will receive your Welcome Letter and can then access UNE’s services, such as the library, internet, email. IT services and pick up your student ID card.

Please note, if you have filled out your enrolment form the day you are due to commence, it can take up to 24 hours for your enrolment to be processed.