Centre for Local Government Constitution


This document describes the nature and operation of the Centre for Local Government at the University of New England. It is designed to provide the minimum framework needed for the operation of a peer based network of academic and sector co-operation supporting the Centre's mission.

The mission is: "To provide an umbrella organisation for activities of the University of New England that are relevant to local government so as to facilitate support, service, education and leadership to all sectors of local government in Australia. This is achieved through four core areas of activities: education, professional development, consultancy and research"


The name of the organisation shall be the Centre for Local Government, University of New England (abbreviated as CLG).


The CLG is a network of academics, practitioners, consultants and organisations with links to local government.


  • Membership is available to individual academics, local government practitioners, consultants and employees of state agencies with an interest in local government. Full membership entitles members to rights and also imposes responsibilities, as promulgated by the Coordination Committee of the Centre from time to time.
  • Membership may also be granted to organisations, as associate members. These organisations need to nominate a delegate or representative.
  • Individual Membership is initially granted as associate level membership, with full rights available to associate members who have demonstrated a commitment to the Centre. Immediate full Membership may, however, be granted at the discretion of the Coordination Committee.
  • Membership may be by application or invitation, with acceptance of an application at the discretion of the Coordination Committee.

If, in the view of two Members, a person or organisation appears to no longer meet the criteria for Membership, or is allegedly not acting in the interests of the Centre, the two Members may propose the ending of Membership of that person or organisation. In such a case, the person or organisation being reviewed has the right to and must be given the opportunity to defend their Membership to the CLG at the next Meeting. The proposal for ending Membership must be supported by four-fifths of the existing Members, not including the person or organisation being reviewed.


The CLG shall have a Coordination Committee and shall operate as outlined in the Bylaws. The CLG reports to the Dean, Faculty of Arts, who may appoint a faculty representative to the Coordination Committee, and operates subject to UNE and Faculty policy regarding Centres.


Amendments may be proposed by a unanimous vote of the Coordinating Committee, or by the written request of one-third of the Members. Proposed amendments are to be forwarded to each of the Members at least 30 days before the AGM. Approval of two-thirds of the Members at an AGM is required to enact an amendment.


This document applies from 1st July 2003.