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Pathways Academy Coordinator, Oorala Aboriginal Centre
Lecturer, UNE Business School

Saugat Neupane is a lecturer and researcher specialising in consumer behaviour and strategic marketing. With a solid academic foundation, including a Ph.D. in consumer behavior (USQ), a Master of Business Research (USQ) in strategic marketing, and…
Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine and Health; School of Psychology
Dr Jessica Monk
Postdoctoral research fellow in Animal Science, School of Environmental and Rural Science

My goal is to contribute to a future of animal agriculture that is rooted in compassion, innovation and sustainability. I enjoy a variety of strategic and applied research, from exploring the neurophysiological drivers of animal behaviour to…
 Malcolm Lambert
Senior Technical Officer, School of Environmental and Rural Science

Malcolm is a senior technical officer in the LEE (Life, Earth and Environment) theme in the School of Environmental and Rural Science and heads the petrographic lab (the Rock Lab) in the discipline of Earth Science. Prior to starting at UNE in 2014 …
Dr Heidi Kolkert
Lecturer in Zoology, School of Environmental and Rural Science

Dr Kolkert is a fauna ecologist specialising in threatened species management. Heidi's current and past research focuses on insectivorous bats in agri-ecosystems and the acoustic analysis of bat echolocation and other fauna sounds. Heidi’s…
Dr Eunjoo Kim
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Poultry Nutrition - Poultry Hub Australia, School of Environmental and Rural Science

Dr Eunjoo Kim is a postdoctoral fellow exploring nutritional strategies to improve feed efficiency of poultry. She has a PhD in Poultry Nutrition (University of New England, Australia), and masters and bachelor in Animal Science and Biotechnology…
Miss Jasmin Webel
Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education; School of Education

Jasmin is full-time Administrative Assistant in the School of Education working primarily with the Department of Curriculum.
Year 1 Manager, School of Rural Medicine
Mrs Jane Graham
Executive Officer, Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law

Jane is the invisible glue in providing senior level support to the Dean of SABL. Jane has many years’ experience in collaborating and communicating with a diverse range of stakeholders, providing personable leadership, project management,…

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