
Different issues are constantly being brought forward to our attention, these matters are put forward to the committee and organised into a priority list, a lot of different factors go into the list such as the number of students it is impacting, the time an issue may take to resolve and many other factors.

From this list the student council creates a Project to address the issue/s. A Team is then created with a Project Lead and Project Support members. From there the Project Leads work closely with the Executive team to create a Project Aim and Summary and from there tasks for the team to complete to achieve the overall aim.

The UNESC may act as a support for students when contacting different departments within UNE, or assist in contacting the right department and have the channels to escalate issues.

There can be many different projects going on at the same time and people may work on different projects but when creating Project groups, the Council is always looking for people outside to have their input on different projects so if you feel passionately please email -