CABI ebooks

UNE does not subscribe to every title in the CABi collection. When searching, click on the Only Content I Have Access To filter. This will restrict your search to books in the UNE collection.

You can create a title-level durable link to a CABI eBook using the DOI. This is located in the URL for your eBook (e.g.https://www-cabidigitallibrary-org/doi/book/10.1079/9780851993287.0000).

If you want to link to a particular chapter, please follow the instructions below.

Links to individual chapters

  1. Go to CABI eBook site.
  2. Search for the book you require by its title.
  3. Click on the title of the book in the search results.
  4. Click on the PDF/EPUB link for the chapter you require.
  5. Copy the URL from your browser's address bar, eg
  6. Paste the link into your online teaching material.