Request purchases

You can request the purchase of a book, journal or video by contacting your librarian.

Before your submit a request please check Library Search to see if we already have copies of the item.

In your request, please include:

  • the purpose of the item (i.e. research, teaching or professional)
  • which unit/s it is relevant to
  • details of the requestor/s and other interested users.

We purchase eBooks if they are available in an appropriate price and format. We will buy one (1) physical copy when electronic versions are not available.

If your book is not available your librarian can help you explore other options.


We buy all prescribed, recommended and referenced textbooks as listed in the official course handbook.

Please make sure your unit information in the handbook is up to date.

If your textbook is not available in the Library at the beginning of trimester, contact us.

Streaming videos

Our streaming video content is often licenced for a limited time and may need to be renewed each year.

If you are using these videos in your teaching, please let us know before the Trimester starts.