Your research community

The research community in your area might include other postgrad students, post docs, lab leaders, academics and associated professionals. You can develop your networks within this community by:

  • Joining postgrads @ une and professional associations or research interest groups
  • Attending School seminars or research meetings and conferences
  • Reviewing the university research reports
  • Getting interested in the people around you - ask someone in your research group for their "top tips" for successful completion of a PhD

By joining the postgrads @ une  you'll meet other postgrads and find out who's active in organising local events and who represents postgraduates on the various School and University committees.

There should also be a School seminar series or other forum at which postgraduates present research in progress. Seminars are a great networking opportunity and you'll see the range of presentation styles - so attend as many as you can. Listening to other students present their work also gives you an opportunity to develop breadth in your understanding of the field in which you work.

Things to do:

  • Build a list of contacts for your immediate research community and for the broader institution.