Financial Acquittal

Organisation: University of New England

Postal Address: Armidale NSW

Contact Person: Lyndel Taylor Title: Snr Management Accountant

Financial Acquittal

This financial acquittal proforma is designed to acquit all ISP Funds provided in 2015, including all interest or royalties/income derived from ISP Funds during 2015.

Document Attachments
Attachment Name of Attachment Checklist
1 Indigenous Support Program (ISP) X

For each attachment:

  • Part A seeks information on the GST component of funding provided to you under that element, if applicable.
    • If GST is paid to you, the amount of GST funding which is included in each payment is set out in a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI) issued to you at the time of the payment. You must state whether these amounts have been remitted to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) or committed for payment to the ATO.
    • If GST is not paid to you, do not complete Part A.
  • Part B seeks information about the funding received and expenditure and commitments, exclusive of any GST. Do not include the GST component of any expenditure in this part.


Complete this certification after you have completed the Financial Acquittal for any ISP funding which you have received in 2015 and after you have entered all relevant information in the Assets Register.

ISP Funding Recipient's Certification

I, Professor Annabelle Duncan, Vice-Chancellor & CEO, certify that:

  1. the details shown in this financial acquittal form and the accompanying pages — including the details of assets acquired and disposed of — represent a complete, true and correct summary of transactions that took place during the funding year under the Indigenous Education Program (ISP);
  2. Funds were spent on activities and initiatives to achieve the outcomes/targets indicated in the Higher Education Support Act 2003;
  3. any interest earned or royalties/income derived from these Funds was expended on activities to advance the objects of the Higher Education Support Act 2003; and

I understand that:

  • in the event that I have not remitted GST paid under the Agreement to the Australian Taxation Office, that it is my obligation to remit those amounts, as required under the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999; and
  • it is an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 to provide false or misleading information.

Signed: Annabelle Duncan (signed document is available in TRIM)
Date: 12 May 2016

Privacy Notice

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) collects your personal information (including your name, organisation and contact details) for the purposes of administering Indigenous Education Programmes. PM&C will not otherwise use or disclose your personal information without your consent unless required or authorised by or under law.

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