Copyright material in myLearn

Before you include resources in your myLearn unit there may be copyright considerations that need to be addressed. Generally, UNE owned copyright material is placed in myLearn, while third party copyright material, especially material copied in reliance of the Educational Statutory Licence must be placed in Reading List.

Choose from the list below to find out more.

UNE content and copyright

UNE content
  • copyright in university generated content is owned by the university
  • if the content you want to use is already on the UNE site, it's best just to link to it
  • university copyright can usually be made available to enrolled students in myLearn. However, before using material produced by another section of the university, you should seek clearance from the author or department that created the content to cover your particular use
  • the material should be accessible only to enrolled students, for example, distributed using myLearn.
It's my own lecture
  • copyright in your lecture will generally be owned by the university or by you as the presenter of the lecture
  • the material may be made available only to enrolled students, for example, distributed using myLearn where access is via password
  • if you want students to appear in the presentation — for example responding to or asking questions — you should ask their permission. This could be a simple matter of letting the students know at the start of the class that the lecture is being recorded, so they can make a choice about participating
  • NOTE: if the lecture includes material that is not yours, such as images or DVD content that you have played to the class, then there may be additional copyright considerations. See the appropriate category separately.
Student work
  • students' work, such as essays, musical compositions or performances and art works, should be used only with the express permission of the creator as copyright owner. The permission should be kept on file — preferably in TRIM — for future reference
  • make sure the permission includes the use you want to make of their work, and that you acknowledge the student as creator, unless they have specified that they do not wish to be acknowledged
  • the material should be made available only to enrolled students, for example distributed using myLearn, unless the creator of the work permits wider distribution
  • it's a good idea to note: 'Used with permission' near the work
  • students may be willing to release their work under a Creative Commons licence, allowing you and others to use the work under the stated conditions
I have permission from the copyright owner
  • you are permitted to do with their work whatever a copyright owner has authorised
  • be aware that the author of a work is not necessarily the copyright owner. The publisher may hold the rights, so this is an important first check
  • make sure you keep on file (preferably in TRIM) the express permission from the copyright to use their work in the way you want to. The permission does not need to be a formal document — an email communication is sufficient
  • it's good practice to note: 'Used with permission' near the work
  • the material should be made available only to enrolled students in a secure format outlined in the approval, which may include using Reading List (preferred) or myLearn, unless the agreement permits wider distribution
  • find out more about getting permission.