Studying Philomela’s voice, Kylie finds hers

Published 06 February 2018

PhD student Kylie Constantine has extracted maximum value from her presentation at the Australasian Society for Classical Studies 2018 conference, winning the prestigious Australasian Women in Ancient World Studies Research Grant.

Kylie is now a year into her joint candidature in Classics and Musics under supervisors Jason Stoessel, Sarah Lawrence and Liz Hale. She is investigating how modern music receives the myth of Philomela, a story by turns bloody and beautiful. The myth relates how Philomela suffers rape, incest and torture before exacting a terrible revenge and turning into a nightingale, thus finding her voice.

Kylie’s research explores how modern composers have channelled, and taken away, Philomela’s voice. Her presentation also earned one of the conference’s two runner-up awards for best postdoctoral presentation.