UNE Careers Toolkit

The UNE Careers Toolkit is designed to assist students to understand their career aspirations, motivations & values.  The platform provides information which may be accessed at any stage of study, from first year of university studies to the final years! Students are also able to take a short  career assessment (answering general questions about their career readiness) and choose from 30 learning paths through critical employability areas such as teamwork, presentation, communication, resilience and other core career skills to work through at their own pace.

UNE Students are able to login to the UNE Careers Toolkit and access a range of career related resources such as videos, presentations and articles on various aspects of the career journey such as:

  • CV’s and Job Applications
  • Job Interview Tips & Simulation
  • Employer advice videos
  • Career Assessments
  • Prepare for presentations
  • Resilience
  • Teamwork
  • Networking
  • Global job search engine

We encourage UNE students and staff to take 5 minutes to login & explore the program at your own pace. You'll need your UNE username and password to login.

UNE Careers Toolkit Login