Professor Randall Albury

Adjunct Professor - Faculty of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences and Education; School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Randall Albury


BA, PhD, The John Hopkins University.

Research Interests

ORCID 0000-0002-7928-7109

The history of science and medicine, ca. 1500-1900.

Renaissance political philosophy.

The use of medical and cosmological metaphors in political thought.
Social history reflected in works of art.


W. R. Albury, Castiglione’s Allegory: Veiled Policy in The Book of the Courtier (1528). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014.

W. R. Albury, 'Medicine and Statecraft in The Book of the Courtier', Intellectual History Review, 2008, 18(1): 75-89.

G. M. Weisz and W. R. Albury, 'The Hands of the Halberdier', Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2008, 26(3): 508.

W. R. Albury and G. M. Weisz, 'Depicting the Bread of the Last Supper: Religious Representation in Italian Renaissance Society', Journal of Religion and Society, 2009, 11:1-17

Donatella Lippi, Marco Matucci Cerinic, W. R. Albury and G. M. Weisz, 'Longevity and Causes of Death of Adult Males in the Medici di Bicci Family', Journal of Family History, 2009, 34: 243-250.

G. M. Weisz and W. R. Albury, 'The Medico-Artistic Phenomenon and its Implications for Medical Education', Medical Hypotheses, 2010, 74(1): 169-173.

W. R. Albury, 'Castiglione's Francescopaedia: Pope Julius II and Francesco Maria della Rovere in The Book of the Courtier', Sixteenth Century Journal, in press.

G. M. Weisz, Marco Matucci Cerinic, W. R. Albury and Donatella Lippi, 'The Ossification Diathesis in the Medici Family: DISH and Other Features', Rheumatology International, 2012, 32:1915-1920.

W. R. Albury and G. M. Weisz, 'St Joseph's Foot Deformity in Italian Renaissance Art', Parergon, in press.

G. M. Weisz, W. R. Albury, Donatella Lippi and Marco Matucci Cerinic,'The Gouty Joseph in Giulio Romano's Holy Family', International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, in press.

G. M. Weisz, W. R. Albury, Donatella Lippi and Marco Matucci Cerinic, 'Who was Pontormo's Halberdier? – The Evidence from Pathology', Rheumatology International, 2012,32:1915-1920.


Emeritus Professor History and Philosophy of Science, UNSW.