Name and Address

Check your name and address details are correct on our system

To make sure your testamur (degree certificate) is correct and sent to your current mailing address, please check your details on our system.

If you are unable to attend your graduation ceremony, your testamur and Australian Higher Education Statement will sent by registered post (or if overseas Australia Post Express Courier International) to the mailing address on record with the University.

Instructions for updating your details

1. Log into your myUNE page and click on the myInfo tab.

2. Click on the 'Addresses' link.

3. Check that your name (as displayed under your student ID left hand corner) is exactly as you want it to appear on your testamur. Name changes can be made by completing this form and supplying documentary evidence to the Student Central. This applies even if you are not actually changing your name but (for example) you need to add a middle name that has not been previously recorded.

4. Check that your address details are correct. It is important that you provide a current mailing address.

5. If any details are incorrect, click the 'Update' button and follow the steps. Your mailing address may be in Australia or overseas, and it can be the same as your home address if appropriate.