Copyright overview


Copyright is a legal right for copyright owners to control how their works are reproduced and made public for a limited period of time.  It also provides limitations and exceptions that allow these works to be used by others in certain circumstances.

In Australia under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), copyright protection is free and applies automatically from the time a work is first created.

The standard copyright notice can be used to identify the copyright owner of a work, but is not a requirement.  For example:

© [or Copyright] [Author / Publisher] [Date]

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User rights

The Copyright Act provides a balance between the rights of copyright owners and the needs of the users of copyright material, including researchers, students, and teachers.

Copyright material can be copied and used for certain purposes without the need to obtain permission from the copyright owner. Examples include:

  • individual copying for research or study purposes
  • statutory copying for educational and teaching purposes
  • disability copying.

In Australia, the Copyright Act 1968 gives exclusive rights to copyright owners. These include the right to:

  • reproduce the work in material form
  • publish the work
  • perform the work in public
  • communicate the work to the public
  • make an adaptation of the work
  • assign or licence their rights, for example to a publisher.

Infringement of copyright occurs if a work is used in any of these ways without the permission of the copyright owner, unless a copyright law exception such as fair dealing applies, or the use is licenced.