Key Contacts

The University is a large and diverse organisation and sometimes knowing who to contact about certain requests and protocols can be a little confusing.

Below is a list of key contacts in the University that can help you with your enquiries:


Advertising enquiries can be sent to

International marketing

For enquiries about International Marketing please email

Logo requests and brand approvals

The use of the UNE logo on any materials or in media requires brand approval. If you are a third party/external party you can request the use of the UNE logo by filling out our online request form.

Brand approval requests can be submitted to

Marketing requests

UNE Marketing team provide specialist advice and guidance for a range of UNE marketing projects and initiatives. If you're a UNE staff member log into the Brand Toolkit (UNE staff only) for more resources.

Marketing requests can be made by going to the Marketing Service Portal (log in using your staff account).

If you are a partner, sponsor or external provider, please make sure you read our Logo and Colour guide and receive brand approval before the publication of any materials or media.

Media and corporate communications

For enquiries about media, external relations, press releases and news email

Planning and executing events

If you'd like to hold an event at UNE, contact Corporate Events and Protocol at

UNE staff can find more information about planning and hosting events in the Staff website (UNE staff only).

Photography and images

UNE has a number of contracted photographers available to UNE staff. Before engaging with photographers please ensure you are aware of UNE's photography guidelines and procedures (UNE staff only).

If you would like to enquire about specific UNE images, submit a request through the Marketing Services Portal (staff login required).

Production and publication services

UNE has a team of specialist staff who are able to assist you with brand approved layout and design. If you require brochures, flyers, invitations, certificates, newsletters and other printed materials, our Publications Team can help you. To find out more log into the Publications section of Brand Toolkit (UNE staff only).

If you would like to enquire about specific UNE images, submit a request through the Marketing Services Portal (staff login required).

Social media

If you have any questions or concerns about social media at UNE, email UNE staff members can find more in Social Media section of Brand Toolkit (UNE staff only).

Stationery and printing services

The UNE Document Service Centre (DSC), managed by Fuji Xerox Australia, is a dedicated and onsite document production service for UNE Staff and Students, as well as providing service to the broader local community.

Staff members can order directly from DSC through their online portal.

You can contact the DSC on 02 6771 2420 or via email at

Video production

If you are an external contractor hired by UNE there are some simple guidelines you'll need to follow when producing materials for the University. Contact for more information.


If you notice any issues with the website or have any feedback, please complete the feedback form.

UNE staff members can find more about the web guidelines, CMS training and web styles in the Web Guide (UNE staff only).

The website is a constant work in progress and we are always looking for ways to improve our site. If you have any questions or comments about the website, don't hesitate to leave us some feedback.