
Australia's future resource security relies on smart science and smart technology to sustain our food and fibre production resources. Agricultural Science at UNE encompasses areas including Agronomy, Biological Science, Agricultural productivity, and Business and our innovative SMART Farm serves in the education of the latest technologies.

Your Science Pathways in Agriculture include electives in Chemistry, Quantitative Skills with Applications, Introduction to Statistical Modelling, Agriculture in Practice, Sustaining Our Rural Environment, and Biology.

For details see Listed Units for Agriculture

Further Course Options in Agriculture

Where can you go with a pathway in Agriculture?

Australia has need for professionals who have the skills to help sustainably produce food and manage our environment. Agriculture and its related industries support 1.6 million Australian jobs and annual productivity growth in agriculture has been 2.8 per cent over the past 30 years – the greatest of all industry sectors in Australia. The outlook for agriculture in Australia is bright with Australia positioned to play an increasing role in global food security (Source: Graduate Careers Australia 2016).

Graduates from these degrees can expect careers in the following industries:

  • Agricultural advisory fields in the public and private sector
  • Management and consulting in the crop, horticulture and animal industries
  • Agribusiness
  • Primary production
  • Landcare, soil conservation and natural resource management
  • Education

Specific to a business pathway are career options including:

  • Rural borrowing and lending
  • Merchandising of farm inputs and outputs
  • Management and consulting positions
  • Economic analytics
  • Rural politics and advocacy
  • Property management